
Inspevtion methods

At our hospital, both saliva and nasopharyngeal wipes can be tested.

・PCR test with saliva

 Under the control of medical staff, it is considered to be a sample with a low risk of spreading infection to the surroundings because it can be collected by the patient himself and it does not emit droplets at the time of collection. The detection sensitivity is considered to be similar to that of nasopharyngeal swab, and it has the advantage of not being affected by the skill of the person who collects the sample.

 To collect saliva, the subject collects 1 to 2 mL of saliva, which naturally and gradually flows out, in a sterilization tube. Those who do not produce saliva due to dehydration etc. are expected to have lower detection sensitivity. Also, eating, drinking, brushing teeth, and collecting saliva immediately after gargling can affect virus detection and should be avoided. There is no clear standard set by the government, but as a guide,it is desirable to wait at least 10 minutes, preferably 30 minutes, before taking a saliva test, after eating or drinking, or after brushing your teeth.

 Since the outside of the collection container may be contaminated when saliva is collected by the subject himself, we collect it safely in a disposable container.

Responsibility: Director Shosuke Takeuchi

References: Guidelines for pathogen testing for new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), 1st edition, guidelines for pathogen testing, 1st edition, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, National International Medical Research Center, National Health Center Directors' Association, Local Health Research Institute National Council, Japanese Society Japanese Society for Infection Control and Prevention, Japanese Society for Clinical Hygiene Inspection Engineers, Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Health Bureau, Tuberculosis Infectious Diseases Division

Price・Negative certificate

Price・Negative certificate

Introducing the director

Introducing the director

